Full program description

This three-pack bundle includes these titles and objectives:

Building Vocabulary and Background Knowledge

  • Analyze the impact of vocabulary and background knowledge on reading comprehension
  • Identify strategies for improving vocabulary and background knowledge at the secondary level

Vocabulary Word Work: The Why and How of Explicit Vocabulary Instruction

  • What is Vocabulary
  • Vocabulary as It Relates to Comprehension
  • Tier 1, 2, and 3 Words
  • Direct Instruction of Vocabulary Strategies
  • Etymology as it Relates to Vocabulary

Vocabulary and Background Knowledge

  • Understand research and the importance of vocab and background knowledge in terms of literacy achievement and school success
  • What contributes to the vocabulary gap and explore ways to support elementary teachers in these areas
  • Discuss research-based activities to support elementary schools, teachers, and students with vocabulary and background knowledge

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